Software Defined Radios for every mission
JK Defence & Security is the official representative and service center for all L3Harris tactical radios in Germany and Switzerland. L3Harris is the largest manufacturer of tactical software defined radios within NATO and an indispensable guarantor of command and control capability and interoperability among allies.
L3Harris offers radios in compact handheld and manpack form factors for all frequency ranges. Advanced MANET waveforms allow parallel voice and IP data transmission, providing the network for real-time C4I applications.
Advanced RF wideband waveforms meet the increasing demand for high data rates, in long range communications. The advantages of this leading HF technology are infrastructure-free operation, high availability and low cost of ownership.
The L3Harris multi-channel radios allow flexible loading and configuration of different mission-specific configurations and waveforms. This includes graded and nationalizable crypto (COMSEC) as per mission requirements.