The right entry
Proper breaching is a key element of many tactical operations. A high degree of surprise with the lowest possible risk to operators and targets is of paramount importance. We offer various mechanical and electro-hydraulic breaching tools as well as accessories for explosive breaching procedures to the special forces in law enforcement and the military.
All of the breaching tools we offer were developed by experienced breachers in the USA and Israel, among other places, and set the respective bar for quality in their home markets.
Mechanical breaching tools such as hammers, halligan tools, crowbars and pile drivers represent the simplest and most cost-effective way to effectively breach objects. Our range includes innovative tools with mechanisms that reduce blowback and vibration and modular systems made of the highest quality materials such as steel, aluminum and titanium. Accessories include practical carrying solutions and training doors.
Explosive access methods require the highest standards of training and preparation on the one hand, and on the other hand, unleash the strongest power and element of surprise. We offer various accessories for explosive breaching, such as breacher’s tape.
Electro-hydraulic systems are an option especially when mechanical breaching tools do not develop enough force or are too noisy to keep the element of surprise on their own side. Our electrohydraulic systems are modular, include multiple tools and are capable of opening almost any door quickly and quietly. However, unlike mechanical tools, these systems require more maintenance and training, as well as a power source.